

Get Started

Open-source MIT Licensed.


Receipt Upload 🛡️

Update your fridge inventory with a click of a button. Freshli makes home cooking and meal planning easy.


Customized Recipes 🚀

Get AI-powered recipe suggestions based on real-time kitchen inventory- no extra shopping needed


Easy Alternative suggestions 📈

Don't have the all the exact ingredients? Freshli provides automatic alternatives to your favorite recipes to save you both time and money.

Expiration Notifications 🦉

Keep your fridge fresh and free of any spoiled food with Freshli's expiration date tracking system. Set it and forget it, and get automatic notifications before food goes bad.

Manual Ingredient Tracking

Manually add or remove ingredients from your fridge and pantry to keep the app's inventory up to date.

Ingredient Customization 🧰

Manually edit as many details about your food as you want, including expiration date, quantity, and name of items.

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Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta

by Mark Otto

It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here!

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Markdown Cheat Sheet Ⓜ️⬇️

An overview of basic markdown syntax.

February 24, 2025